Have such a headache right now. Burned (burnt?) a Shania Twain compilation for my father but it turns out it had a glitch or two so I have to redo it. This time I'm making sure all the songs are glitch-free before burning them (at least this way I'll know it was the program I used, and not necessarily the files themselves. Considering I got the songs from the original albums, they should have been fine, anyway. Chances are it's the burning software this computer came with. :P) At any rate, this means I have to go through and listen to all of the songs, and... while I once liked Shania's music enough to actually attend one of her concerts, my father likes her now and as a result I hear her stuff on a frequent basis, and let's just say one can get sick of hearing the same CD play over and over again on the car stereo (he hates the radio). Urrrg. The car he has now includes a 6-CD changer, currently filled with 6 CDs that I'm fairly certain each contain at least one Shania song.
Don't get me wrong; say what you want about her music, but she does occasionally come out with something catchy (for at least a few minutes, at any rate), and I don't mind hearing songs of hers that I haven't heard in a while. The newer, overly played stuff, though.....get that the bloody hell away from me.
Head. Hursts. I mean "hursts"...ACK! "hurts"! Can't type any more.
Anyway, sorry for the whiny, whinge-y nature of this post but... *whinewhinge* It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to. :)